Manifest of Practice
Exhibition in Berlin, 2019
חגבים חרובים (Heuschrecken Johannisbrotbäume)
Master Thesis, Tobias Schalk
Bachelor exhibition by Rhoda Herold (@rhodaherold)
Without Image: an Artistic Perspective on Aphantasia
Trust your (graphical) System — Exhibition
Winter Semester 22/23
Mixtured Spaces
Space for Visual Research
Ambiguous Aesthetics
Master Thesis Lena Weber
How to make eye-catching snack Design / MA Dahyun Hwang WS21/22
Space for digital Visual Research / BA Torben Zsagar WS21/22
Somehow there...
Bachelor Thesis, Samuel Solazzo
Bachelor Thesis, Robin Weißenborn
Über den Aggregatzustand der Grafik
MA Andreas Bortolamedi, 2021
Archiv der Aspekte
Fachkurs SoSe 2021
Marc Wöhner
Das Streben nach Veränderung - Maxeville transformiert
BA Jenny Nerlich
Jogakbo of Bok: traditional Korean patchworks with good fortune!
BA Youngseo Park
BACHELOR THESIS Josephine Schröder
Farben zu Formen
MA Beatrice Girth
Cellar, files, information, layers, notes...
Gestaltung und Konzept Eva Richter und August Guccione
Fragmenting Chronology
Grafik-Design in Bewegung SoSe2021
DIMENSION (Z) - Eine gestalterische Exploration zu Gegenüberstellung von Zufall und Maßeinheiten
Bauhaus Master Thesis
Inevitable Forms
MA Hyun-jeong Cho
La Strada
Winter Semester 2019/20
On the Edge: Revealing the Unseen
BA Elsa Babtist
Practice as a Manifest
Summer Semester 2018
Rhizome Typeface
Miyoun Park Masterthesis
The garden of emotions
BA Yunseon Yang
Wachstum und Form
Master Thesis Anna Christina Miklavcic
you teach, we learn
Grafikdesign WS23/24
Diagrammatic Dramatics
PaTI, South-Korea, 8.2023
Exquisite corpse No. 3
Workshop at the Design Summer Academie in Hangzhou, China
Manifest of Practice – Isfahan, Iran
Safavi House, 2019
Manifest of Practice – Taipei, Taiwan
Taiwan Tech, 2019
Nanjing Children's Workshop
Bauhaus for Children 9.2023
Nanjing University of the Arts
SfVR Workshop
Neologism & more
Bauhaus Workshop @ Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, China
SfVR Workshop – Gwangju, South Korea
Gwangju Design Biennale, 2019
SfVR Workshop — Pilsen, Czech
Workshop at the ‘Sutnarka’ University
Manifest of Practice – La Paz, Bolivia
Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo", 2019
SfVR Workshop – Teheran, Iran
Vije School of Visual Communications, 2017
Space & Matter
SfVR im Sensorischen Raum