Fragmenting Chronology
Grafik-Design in Bewegung SoSe2021
you teach, we learn
Grafikdesign WS23/24
HOMEWORK Publication
Design Education Practice & Process
Brand Identity 2.0
Winter Semester 2014/15
Rhizome Typeface
Miyoun Park Masterthesis
Exquisite corpse No. 3
Workshop at the Design Summer Academie in Hangzhou, China
SfVR at HBKSaar
24.10. — 21.11.2023
Ein Magazin mit wechselndem Themenschwerpunkt.
Manifest of Practice
Exhibition in Berlin, 2019
How to make eye-catching snack Design / MA Dahyun Hwang WS21/22
Archiv der Aspekte
Fachkurs SoSe 2021
Art, Countries and Visual Identities
Project SS24
Between Spectator, Actor and Space
Fachkurs SoSe 2021
Corporate Diversity
Projekt Wintersemester 2021/22
Designing Nations
Winter Semester 2014/15
Editorial Design
Summer Semester 2017
Cellar, files, information, layers, notes...
how to talk, how to walk, how to show
Summer Semester 22
Neue Umweltästhetik
Sommersemester 2023
Projekt Wintersemester 2021/22 (Bauhaus Modul)
Space for Visual Research — Visual Data
Fachkurs 2021/22
Trust your (graphical) System — Exhibition
Winter Semester 22/23
Mixtured Spaces
Space for Visual Research
Segments of a cell
Arts & Science Residency at »Kuenstlerische Tatsachen« - 2021
SfVR Workshop – Hangzhou, China
Design Summer, 2018
SfVR @ KUWASAWA Design School, Tokyo
Exquisite corpse at one of the most prestigious Schools in Japan
SfVR Workshop – Macau, China
Design Summer, 2019
SfVR Workshop – Gwangju, South Korea
Gwangju Design Biennale, 2019
Space for Visual Research
Visual Data - Wintersemester 21/22
Space & Matter
SfVR im Sensorischen Raum
Tools for Visual Research
Second guessing the interface between analogue and digital instruments