BA Jenny Nerlich
Neologism & more
Bauhaus Workshop @ Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, China
SfVR @ KUWASAWA Design School, Tokyo
Exquisite corpse at one of the most prestigious Schools in Japan
Exquisite corpse No. 3
Workshop at the Design Summer Academie in Hangzhou, China
Bachelor exhibition by Rhoda Herold (@rhodaherold)
Without Image: an Artistic Perspective on Aphantasia
Farb Raum Druck Raster
Fachkurs SS2024
Art, Countries and Visual Identities
Project SS24
On the Edge: Revealing the Unseen
BA Elsa Babtist
Marc Wöhner
Das Streben nach Veränderung - Maxeville transformiert
SfVR Workshop — Pilsen, Czech
Workshop at the ‘Sutnarka’ University
you teach, we learn
Grafikdesign WS23/24
SfVR at HBKSaar
24.10. — 21.11.2023
DIMENSION (Z) - Eine gestalterische Exploration zu Gegenüberstellung von Zufall und Maßeinheiten
Bauhaus Master Thesis
Jogakbo of Bok: traditional Korean patchworks with good fortune!
BA Youngseo Park
Diagrammatic Dramatics
PaTI, South-Korea, 8.2023
The garden of emotions
BA Yunseon Yang
Nanjing Children's Workshop
Bauhaus for Children 9.2023
Tools for Visual Research
Second guessing the interface between analogue and digital instruments
Cellar, files, information, layers, notes...
Neue Umweltästhetik
Sommersemester 2023
Ambiguous Aesthetics
Master Thesis Lena Weber
Visual Exploration Fundamentals
Bauhaus Modul Ws22/23
Gestaltung und Konzept Eva Richter und August Guccione