
Bachelor Thesis, David Leroy

The series Noise.Serendipity was created in a contemplative and technical examination of the Perlin noise algorithm. This is typically used as an element of alienation in digital compositions, such as film animations or video games, to imitate a “natural” level. Noise.Serendipity No.1 is an investigation into the limits of noise representation, revealing hidden details and focusing on noise not as a pure tool but as an independent design tool.

Exhibition Noise.Serendipity
Exhibition Noise.Serendipity
Simplex 2
Simplex 2
Simplex 3
Simplex 3
Simplex 4
Simplex 4
Simplex 5
Simplex 5
Simplex 6
Simplex 6
Simplex 7
Simplex 7